A small team assembled for a mist netting session around the willows & Stafford Brook. We set up a base in the pond dipping shelter, and finished setting the six nets at about 8am. It was a very quiet morning, despite the perfect ringing weather. We managed to catch 14 birds, 11 new and 3 retraps from previous sessions on site.
Whilst we were processing a pair of Chiffchaffs, a Mallard wandered into the shelter. With the aid of a few crumbs of bread, Neil managed to entice the duck close enough to grab.
Neil with the obviously male Mallard

Neil helping Fran to ring the Mallard
It was aged as an adult due to the size & shape of the black tips of the greater coverts.
Fiona, a Countryside Assistant with the Wild East Devon team joined us for the session, and ringed her 1st birds under Neil's tuition.
Fiona taking hold of the Great Tit in the ringer's grip.
Putting the ring on...Great Tits can take one of two sizes of ring depending on the size of the bird's leg
Ageing the bird: this was an adult as the colour of the primary & greater coverts was the same
Later, two Blue Tits were caught together. The male was a much brighter blue & had a longer wing (65mm) compared to the duller female with a shorter wing (59mm).
Male Blue Tit (left) and female Blue Tit (right)
A very pleasant if somewhat quiet morning!