Wednesday 27 March 2013

Last Duck catch of the Winter

Another winter has passed and the Group have enjoyed several sessions cannon-netting duck. Not just Shelduck our target species which we also colour-ring, but also Teal, Mallard and Wigeon. Moorhens, Black-tailed Godwits and Mute Swans were also caught as a side catch. So we hang-up our cannon-nets until November. At our last catch on Saturday 23rd March we caught 16 Shelduck. Fewer than at previous sessions, but they were probably on the move to their breeding sites.

The team at the last duck catch

Sunday 17 March 2013

Showing the Flag

The Group, as in previous years, took advantage of manning a display stand at Seaton Town Hall on 16th March, and gained support from many members of the public. The event was arranged by the Seaton Lions for charities in the community to take part.

Peter Bennett explaining our work to members of the public


Sunday 3 March 2013

23rd February to 1st March

The start of seven busy and very interesting days for the Group. On the 23rd we took part in the Winter Bird Festival organised by the Countryside Unit of East Devon District Council. Members of the public were fascinated seeing Shelduck, Mallard, Wigeon and Mute Swans being ringed. Our leader explained to a group of about 30 members of the Devon Wildlife Trust the reasons why we were ringing birds and placing colour rings on Shelduck. On 27th three days of filming with the BBC Countryfile Unit began culminating with an early catch of 38 Shelduck on 1st March. Countryfile presenter Julia Bradbury joined us together with two excited camera teams filming the various aspects of ringing following a catch using cannon-nets. Later to release the last bird Matt Baker appeared to do the honours.

Julia and Matt with members of the catching team