Last night brave souls of the Group ventured onto a soggy deep marsh to set nets for the second autumn wader catch. Despite the mud a nice varied catch was made. Small, but well worth the effort. As with the last session a duck, not a wader, is first caught, this time a nice adult female Teal. Our smallest duck is always a delight to ring and process and this female Teal was no exception.
The wader catch resulted in five species, including a Jack Snipe we ringed last year, being a species very much site loyal. Other species included, Bar-tailed Godwit, Common Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Redshank and an adult male Curlew.
Colourful wing of female Teal (Photo Mike Tyler) |
Common and Jack Snipe (Photo Mike Tyler) |
Fraser admiring the Jack Snipe (Photo Mike Tyler) |