Thursday 7 April 2016

Spring migrants

Last Tuesday the Group attempted a early start at the far end of Colyford Common.

The weather was kind and with little wind the sites on Colyford Common were worth attempting despite the jaunt with the equipment from the FSB (Discovery Hut). A total of 44 birds were caught included only five retraps. One retrap was the Siberian Chiffchaff originally ringed by the Group on 11th March this year. A bird reluctant to migrate back to its breeding site. Another surprise, although not in a net, was a female Marsh Harrier we disturbed on arrival, probably using the reed beds as a roost site.

Anyway the 44 birds comprised of: Willow Warbler 14 (probable early morning fall) certainly most had a nil or very low fat and muscle scores; Chiffchaff 11(2) no doubt some of the new birds accompanying the Willow Warblers; Cetti's Warbler 1; Wren 5(1); Dunnock 3(1); Long-tailed Tit 2(1); Greenfinch 4; Blackcap 1; Reed Bunting 2; and Blue Tit 1.

All in all a good morning.