The group have fewer mist netting sessions in the winter, but last Monday's catch was worth erecting a few nets. Thirty-five birds were caught including Blackbird 3, Robin 4, Blue Tit 3, Reed Bunting 2, Song Thrush 1, Great Tit 4, Dunnock 5, Wren 3, Goldcrest 2, Bullfinch 1, Long-tailed Tit 1, Goldfinch 2, Chaffinch 1, Mallard 1 and Cetti's Warbler 2. The two Cetti's Warblers being the highlight of the morning.
Cetti's Warblers (Photo Doug Rudge) |
Doug Rudge cautiously entering the Abberton Trap to extract the Mallard watched by Derek Baggott (Photo Sue Murphy) |