Wednesday, 26 September 2018

A few waders!

The Axe Estuary is not conducive to catching large numbers of waders, but that has never stopped the Group from occasionally carrying out autumn catches. Last evening was our fist autumn session this year and eight birds were caught. Not many, but double the number compared with 2017. The terrain is difficult to work on, especially during darkness. On the high tide two Curlews were caught, one a juvenile. All the other birds were juveniles including four male Black-tailed Godwits that were colour ringed, one Green Sandpiper and a male Whimbrel. 

It is hoped to try another session before the end of October.

Colour ringed Black-tailed Godwit

Juvenile male Whimbrel

Juvenile Curlew

Photos Mike Tyler 

Friday, 14 September 2018

Fewer migrants

Our session on Tuesday started quietly and gradually gathered pace. Thirty-seven birds were caught, but only seven migrants, all but one were Blackcaps. Local ringers have mentioned on several occasions that this species as been in abundance this year. The others were resident species, including a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker below.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Public satisfaction

The Group during the year hold public ringing demonstrations at the Seaton Wetlands and yesterday was our early autumn public session. Twenty-four members of the public attended during the morning, with some on holiday and a family who came down from Bristol especially to attend the session. A total of 42 birds were caught and ringed of various species, including a Kingfisher which of cause was the highlight for those in attendance.