Wednesday, 22 July 2015

And even more birds!

Another splendid catch today with 83 birds. These were:

Great Tit 11(2); Reed Bunting 2; Blackbird 1; Goldfinch 12; Blue Tit 14(5); Reed Warbler 11(2); Chaffinch 6; Kingfisher 2(1); Meadow Pipit 1; Chiffchaff 7; Blackcap 2; Cetti's Warbler 1; Greenfinch 7; Dunnock 1; Great Spotted Woodpecker 1; Sedge Warbler 1; Treecreeper 1; Robin (1); Coal Tit 1.

An excellent achievement for all those present.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Another record!

The last session was very fruitful with over 90 birds caught and processed, but yet today proved even better. The Group have exceeded the 100 total mark with 107 birds of 17 species.  Only 21 were retraps from previous sessions; species trapped included:

Kingfisher 1; Blackbird 7; Blue Tit 15; Great Tit 17; Sedge Warbler 8; Reed Warbler 5; Greenfinch 20; Cetti's warbler 3; Long-tailed Tit 1; Chiffchaff 7; Robin 8; Wren 1; Blackcap 2; Goldfinch 6; Chaffinch 4; Treecreeper 1 Wood Pigeon 1.

The three Cetti's Warblers were juveniles, which is assumed bred on the Wetlands. Certainly a female with a brood patch had been caught earlier. This is good news as there have been no reports of breeding for a few years.

Hopefully the rest of the summer and autumn will continue with good and varied catches.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Yet another bumper catch!

The previous mist netting session was considered to be a very good catch and to exceed 86 birds in a morning session was not in anyone's thoughts, but and breaking this year's record was achieved yesterday with 92 birds caught and processed.  Many young Goldfinches and Greenfinches as well as Blackcaps. Chiffchaffs and Reed Warblers were in reasonable numbers and the old favourite Kingfisher was also in the totals. Always a good crowd puller!

The total of 16 species comprised as follows:

Reed Warbler 8; Robin 5; Wren 2; Greenfinch 8; Blue Tit 11; Blackcap 6; Great Tit 9; Chiffchaff 10; Blackbird 7; Dunnock 3; Kingfisher 1; Goldfinch 13; Long-tailed Tit 2; Chaffinch 5; Bullfinch 1; and Coal Tit 1.

Juvenile Blackcap (Photo Mike Tyler)

The crowd puller juvenile Kingfisher (Photo Mike Tyler)