The warmer and calmer weather of recent days had certainly encouraged many migrants to arrive along the coast of East Devon, particularly to the Axe Estuary Wetlands. Fortuitously the Group it had a session planned for the morning and members were not disappointed. Members of the public with their families enjoyed the opportunity to see birds close up.
A fine sample of species were caught amounting to 18 within a total of 41 birds. The highlights included a female Stonechat and a male Redstart, the latter a first for the Group. First Willow Warblers for us this year and three Cetti's Warblers, two females we ringed before and a new male which had been singing all morning in the reeds, close to where we were working. Who knows, will we this year have our first confirmed nesting pair. Let's hope so.
The total processed included:
Robin 4; Blackbird 2; Dunnock 3; Chaffinch 3; Wren 1; Great Tit 2; Great Spotted Woodpecker 2; Song Thrush 1; Bullfinch 1; Willow Warbler 3; Greenfinch 6; Cetti's Warbler 3; Stonechat 1; Blackcap 1; Redstart 1; Chiffchaff 3; Goldfinch 1; and Blue Tit 1.
We look forward to more exciting sessions in the near future.
The female Stonechat |
A fine looking male Blackcap |
The celebrity of the day a male Redstart |
Not to be out done a bright coloured Greenfinch in breeding plumage |
The male Cetti's Warbler |
All photographs copyright Mike Tyler