Our first two day session for the year started on the afternoon of Friday 10th May, with the erection of nets and finished on Saturday evening after processing thirty birds. Not so many as one would have liked, but despite the showers and windy conditions a reasonable number nevertheless. The tally was: Song Thrush 1; Blue Tit 2; Greenfinch 5; Reed Warbler 3; Chaffinch 1; Sedge Warbler 1; Wren 2; Dunnock 3; Goldfinch 2; Blackbird 7; Great Tit 2; and Reed Bunting 1.
Of the total of Blackbirds four were pulli in a nest close to the Reserves, but still in the area of the Group's operations. A nice surprise was the single Sedge Warbler which was a control ringed in Spain bearing a ring engraved Arazadi San Sebastien.
The Saturday morning started with people on a dawn chorus, led by Steve Waite, visited the Field Studies base at the end of their walk. Even during the day other members of the public were given the opportunity to watch birds being ringed. It was not just adults that were fascinated by seeing birds in the hand, but also were the children.
These two children are certainly enjoying the opportunity to release a Reed Bunting |