Monday, 28 May 2012

Colyford Common and Stafford Marsh - 26/5/12

The team were keen this morning - or some of them anyway - with a 04:30 start! This proved worthwhile as a decent catch made.

Weather; cloudy start but clearing to give a fine sunny day, though not as warm as recent days.

In all, 34 birds of 10 species were processed:

1 Chiffchaff
19 Reed Warbler (6 retraps, 1 control)
2 Great Tit
3 Blackbird (1 retrap)
2 Dunnock (retraps)
1 Wren
1 Robin
3 Greenfinch
1 Chaffinch
1 Goldfinch

The control Reed Warbler was wearing a French ring, but it is one the Group has caught before, back in 2010.

French ringed Reed Warbler - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

The two Great Tits ringed were recently fledged young birds.

3J Great Tits - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

The weekend session, along with the nice weather meant plenty of passers by stopped to see the ringing activities.

Showing the punters - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

And the sun ensured it was a pleasant session for the ringers too.

Returning to base - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Though there were enough birds to keep them busy (or keep them looking busy anyway!).

Fields Studies Centre - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Colyford Common and Stafford Marsh - 11-13/5/12

The first ringing weekend of the year, when sessions are held on three consecutive days, starting Friday afternoon, continuing throughout Saturday and coming to an end midday Sunday.

Colyford Common and Black Hole Marsh - May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Over the three days 67 birds of 17 species were caught and processed. Please note though these are the combined totals of the three days, and some birds are included that were retrapped on different days.

1 Kingfisher (retrap)
5 Blue Tit (3 retap)
2 Great Tit (retraps)
2 Swallow (1 retrap)
1 Chiffchaff
7 Blackcap (3 retrap, 1 control)
1 Sedge Warbler
7 Reed Warbler (3 retraps)
5 Wren (4 retraps)
8 Blackbird (5 retrap)
3 Song Thrush (retraps)
3 Robin (2 retrap)
8 Dunnock (6 retrap)
1 Pied Wagtail
6 Greenfinch (1 retrap)
6 Goldfinch
1 Bullfinch

The Blackcap control was a bird that was originally ringed at Beachy Head, East Sussex, on 16th September 2010. We controlled it first on 16th April 2011, and it's back again this spring!

The control Blackcap - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

The first Reed Warbler ringed of 2012 - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Many of the group members were present at some point over the weekend.

Peter measuring the wing of the Swallow - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Even the boss made an appearance!...

Mr T updating the net rounds board - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

And lastly, some nifty camera and editing work from the man responsible for 80% of photos on this blog...

Kestrel composite - Stafford Marsh May '12 (c) Adrian Bayley