Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Colyford Common and Stafford Marsh - 14/4/12

Today's session was a public demonstration session. Many turned up to watch the Axe Estuary Ringing Group in action - and to enjoy Doug's cooking! Yes, it wasn't just birds on the menu this morning - there were bacon and veggie butties too!

Fields Studies Base - Stafford Marsh Apr '12 (c) Peter Bennett

Weather: a cold but dry start, with a slight n e breeze. A mixture of sunny spells and periods of cloud cover throughout the morning.

Much to the enjoyment of the observers, 19 birds of 10 species were processed;

2 Blackbird (retraps)
2 Dunnock (retraps)
2 Wren (retraps)
1 Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff
2 Willow Warbler
2 Great Tit (retraps)
2 Blue Tit (retraps)
4 Greenfinch (1 retrap)
1 Goldfinch

Willow Warbler - Stafford Marsh Apr '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Showing the audience - Stafford Marsh Apr '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

And it wasn't just birds in the hand. Adrian found this Grass Snake - much to the excitement of many of the children present.

Grass Snake - Stafford Marsh Apr '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Colyford Common and Stafford Marsh - 10/4/12

Another mist netting session for the AERG that coincided with unhelpful weather conditons for this patime. It was looking to be one of the poorest ever sessions for the group. Well that was until this blogger left!

Field Studdies Base - Stafford Marsh Apr '12 (c) Steve Waite

Weather: Sunshine and few clouds, with a breezy s w wind until late morning, when cloud rolled over and a few rain showers broke out - prompting the end of the session.

The mist net set by the bird feeders on Stafford Marsh 'saved' this session. On sunny days, mist nets are so obvious to the human eye...so they presumably are to birds' eyes too!

A sunlit mist net - Colyford Common Apr '12 (c) Steve Waite

Up until 10:00, the team had only caught one bird, but by the session's end at midday, 12 birds of 4 species were processed;

1 Blackbird (retrap)
1 Dunnock (retrap)
1 Chiffchaff
9 Greenfinch