Monday, 30 January 2012

Cannon Netting on Seaton Marshes - 29/1/12

Thanks to a Peregrine looking for breakfast over Seaton Marshes early on Sunday, and an imminent arrival of a mass of corvids, the team had to make do with a smaller catch than the norm.

Weather: Damp, 100% cloud cover, cold wind.

As well as the cannon net catch, a single Mallard was caught in one of the Abberton traps on Colyford Common afterwards. In all, 33 birds of 3 species were processed;

29 Shelduck (19 retraps)
3 Mallard
1 Wigeon

The team - Stafford Marsh Jan '12 (c) Mike Tyler

Monday, 9 January 2012

Cannon Netting on Seaton Marshes - 08/1/12

The first ringing session of the year, a cannon net catch on Seaton Marshes. The whole session was almost called off though due to a couple of wildfowlers trespassing and shooting on the reserve a couple of evenings prior to the catch day. If you do or have witnessed any illegal wildfowling on the valleys nature reserves, please report it to the Police and the countryside department of the EDDC.

Weather: Dry, 60% cloud cover, light west wind, excellent visibility.

There was a smaller team than last time, maybe because the catch was expected to be a rather small one.

The extraction team waiting for the go in half life - Seaton Marshes Jan '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

It was indeed a smaller catch than the last cannon netting session, probably due to the aforementioned disturbance. Although probably also something to do with the continuing mild weather. 33 birds of 5 species were processed;

27 Shelduck (15 retraps)
1 Moorhen
2 Crow
2 Rook
1 Jackdaw

Terry measuring a Shelduck - Stafford Marsh Jan '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

A quick photo of the newly fitted colour-ring - Stafford Marsh Jan '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

Corvids are often seen feeding in the catch area, but if there are too many the cannon cannot be fired due to licence restrictions. Luckily only five were in the catch area so the cannon could indeed be fired.

Crow and Rook - Stafford Marsh Jan '12 (c) Adrian Bayley

So, although it was wasn't one of the most productice cannon netting sessions, the team were more than happy with the first 17 birds ringed of 2012 for the Axe Esuary Ringing Group.

The team - Stafford Marsh Jan '12 (c) Mike Tyler